The Friends of Art Plus Gallery
Helping with our mission to promote art appreciation & participation throughout Berks County
WHO ARE OUR “FRIENDS”? We have great “Friends.” Some are art collectors, some are artists, some are appreciators of art. What they share is the opportunity to support and be a vibrant part of Berks County’s arts culture. They are, in fact, an integral part of who we are, and their support is deeply appreciated by our members as well as by the other community groups to whom we continually reach out to connect with the arts. WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO BE A “FRIEND OF ART PLUS GALLERY”? As a non-profit, member-run cooperative gallery dedicated to outreach, our “Friends,” through their membership, help us to connect the community to art through a year-round calendar of art-related events, exhibits, and activities. DO “FRIENDS” MEMBERSHIP FEES GO TO THE ART PLUS GALLERY (APG) ARTISTS? No. Our APG artists get none of the “Friends” membership fees. In fact, our artists run the gallery without any compensation. From maintenance to renovations to working the sales desk, all APG artists freely give of their time and efforts. In addition, we pay monthly dues and donate 25% of our gallery artwork sales. Combined with the support of our “Friends” and periodic fundraisers, it’s enough cover the gallery’s rent and enable us to sponsor events such as “The Nature of Nolde” Student Art Contest and Plein Air West Reading. HOW DO I BECOME A “FRIEND”? Our “Friends” include local businesses and individuals who support our mission through an annual membership of just $35 for individuals and $200 for a business. (Couples can also become members together, paying only $35 for the two.) To become a “Friend” takes only a few minutes to complete a simple form and pay(by credit card, PayPal, check or cash) the annual membership fee. IS THE MEMBERSHIP FEE TAX-DEDUCTIBLE? Yes. Because we are a non-profit 501(c)3 organization your donation is tax deductible. WHAT ARE THE BENEFITS TO BECOMING A “FRIEND”? In addition to a tax-deduction and knowing they are supporting our outreach programs, our “Friends” also receive: • A 10% discount on all gallery purchases • Discounted tickets to annual fundraisers • Invitations to previews, openings and other special events • Newsletters keeping you updated on Art Plus Gallery exhibits & activities • For accomplished artists among our Friends, the potential to hang art with the members in outside venue shows when space permits as well as display your art in our gift shop. • The chance to be involved as much (or as little) as you’d like. You might enjoy helping us host a wine walk or other special event, joining a committee, or pitching in for a special project like Plein Air West Reading or “The Nature of Nolde” Student Art Contest. Don’t have the time or interest to get involved? No problem. There is no pressure. Sound good? To our Friends, it does in every respect. We would love to count you among them. Thank you! |
Become a Friend of
Art Plus Gallery! |
For more information, with no obligation, fill out the form below. Thank you!